Saturday 14 June 2014

PHOTO: Good Looking Celebrities Who Destroyed Themselves With Plastic Surgery - Celebrities

Let’s face it here. Donatella is a far cry from the beauty she once was. The fashion
mogul was once a natural beauty and she’s let the knife get in the way of her natural
looks. She’s currently Vice-President of the Versace Group, as well as chief
designer. She owns 20% of the entire stock market assets of Versace. So one thing
she’ll never have to worry about is money. I just wish a large portion of that
money weren’t spent on plastic surgery which very well may be. Oh well.


We all know Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing. And then out of nowhere she wound
up getting a nose job. Many people were up in arms about this because no one
thought she needed it. It wasn’t a bad surgery but the nose job made her
completely unrecognizable to people who were used to the Dirty Dancing “baby”
look. Perhaps Grey had enough of the stereotype. She managed to do an amazing
job on Dancing with the Stars and America still thinks she’s a cutie. Just not
Francis Houseman cutie.

The folks from Jersey Shore clearly glammed out and got all Hollywood on us. JWoww is definitely one of the culprits. She was beautiful prior to the surgeries.
She still looks pretty but there are some parts of her that simply don’t look real at all.

This is one guy we all didn’t recognize after all the work he had done on his face.
As you can see in this picture, his eyes look completely different. His cheeks must
have been injected with something. And his lips are clearly worked on. One thing
that’s still a constant with Rogers is his voice. The man can still sing. 

Boyle was a big star in the 90s. We all loved her in Wayne’s World. Her freckles are
adorable and she just has that charm. But somewhere along the way Boyle just keep
changing the way she looked. It’s as if she didn’t want the freckles anymore and
she’s got a lot of Nicole Kidman type stuff going on. Her upper lip is completely different.

Megan Fox
Fox seemed to really be on her way in Hollywood. However she wound up getting into too many disputes as being a tough actress to work with. And somehow she ended up getting a fair amount of surgery on her face as well. Hopefully motherhood will have changed her a little bit. She’s still young. She still has a beautiful face but she might be only a few surgeries away from looking like shes’ done way too much, which some have argued she’s done already.

Michael Jackson
We’d like to keep this one as brief as possible. Clearly Michael Jackson is one of the
biggest on this list. He had gone through countless surgeries in his career. So
much so that his face became something of a phenomenon. He even poked fun at
himself in a Men in Black movie by playing an alien. The King of Pop was clearly
also the king of getting his face altered. Still though, he was one amazing talent in
the music industry. 


Jocelyn Wildenstein
Jocelyn Wildenstein's plastic surgery is just sad. She reportedly spent over $4,000,000 over the course of many plastic surgery operations.


Joan Van Ark

Amanda Lepore

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